Student Connection Form

    Student Information
    Section 1:  Link Questions
    Choose 2 from those listed below.
    1. If you could build your dream college, what's the one thing it must have?
    2. What extracurriculars have you most enjoyed in high school?
    3. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
    4. What college course(s) are you most excited for?
    5. Why did you decide to apply to Berea?
    Section 2:  Non-Cognitive Questions

    Choose 2 from those listed below.

    1. What are your short term goals?  Long term goals?
    2. When you think of community service, what comes to mind?
    3. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
    4. Describe a time in your life when you had to overcome an obstacle to succeed.
    5. What are you passionate about?
    Section 3:  Barrier Questions
    Choose 1 from those listed below.
    1. What is your greatest fear about your college search?
    2. What makes you most nervous about going to college?
    3. Is distance a big factor for you when choosing a college?
    Section 4:  Berea Specific Questions
    Choose 2 from those listed below.
    1. If you're accepted to Berea, what would make you most excited about being a student here?
    2. What is your favorite class this year?
    3. What have you been most excited to learn about Berea during the application process?
    4. How important is the No-Tuition Promise to you when deciding if Berea is the right place for you?
    Section 5:  Student Experience Questions
    Question 1 should be asked of all students.  Question 2 should be asked of all students who have submitted a Short Statement.
    1. A lot of students have something unique about their background or identity or have an interest or talent that they really want to share with us during their application process. Is there anything meaningful like this that you'd like to share about yourself?
    2. As an elective to your application file, you submitted the Short Statement, "Berea College was the first interracial and coeducational college in the south.  In 168 words or less, tell us why this is meaningful to you."  You said _____________________.  Tell me more about that.
    Section 6:  Application Questions
    1. Has student visited campus?  If not, do we understand barriers that might prevent a visit?
    2. Discuss elective application materials.
    3. Do you understand any low grades (D's or F's) on the student's transcript?
    4. If transcript is 5-semester or less, did you confirm student will graduate early and discuss why?
    5. If student is NOT test-optional, did you confirm how many times student had taken ACT/SAT and that we had highest score(s)?
    6. If student is independent on FRQ/FAFSA, did you discuss submission of independent documentation?
    Is there anything else about you that you want to share?
    Post-Matriculation Student Support Connections
    Select all that apply.
    Select all that apply.