Transfer Student Connection Form

    Student Information
    Section 1:  Opening Questions
    Choose 2 from those listed below.
    1. How did you learn about Berea?
    2. Why did you apply to Berea?
    3. Can you tell me a bit about your Berea journey so far? (Confirm colleges attended match those on application)
    Section 2:  Listen Questions

    Choose 2 from those listed below.

    1. What are you interested in studying?
    2. What's one thing you're most interested to learn about Berea during the application process?
    3. What experiences would you most look forward to as a student at Berea?
    Section 3:  Barrier Questions
    Choose 1 from those listed below.
    1. What worries/concerns you most about the transfer experience?
    Section 5:  Student Experience Questions
    This question should be asked of all students.
    1. A lot of students have something unique about their background or identity or have an interest or talent that they really want to share with us during their application process. Is there anything meaningful like this that you'd like to share about yourself?
    Section 6:  Application Questions
    1. Is student in default with federal loans?
    2. How old is their college credit? (Confirm student understands 10 year limit if necessary)
    3. Are colleges listed on application correct?  (Dual Enrollment should not be listed)
    4. Has student visited campus? 
    5. Encourage completion before next deadline.
    Is there anything else about you that you want to share?
    Post-Matriculation Student Support Connections
    Select all that apply.
    Select all that apply.